Monday, March 17, 2008

Why I Love My Family

Mom wrote:

While plundering about on e-bay today, found a truly remarkable recipe book - "Rabbit on a Shovel" BBQ book - from yes, indeed, the Land DownUnder. Should we order a family book which could be passed around and recipes copied as we saw fit for whatever tools or small game we have available at the time?

Thought you all should be aware of our fine techniques and the possibility that you too could own this book.

Love Mum, ABJ

Lauren's Sister wrote:

a family book would be tons of fun. then maybe [boy cousin in town] and I can host a family gathering out here. We could rig some sort of odd contraption in a backyard and cook some of the bunnies from my neighborhood.

Lauren had to pipe in:

Ok, I haven't been out of the country THAT long.. I'm still vegetarian, mum. ;) Bunny on a stick? What was that?! What about shrubs on the simmer? ... I swear.. I'm neither Aussie nor Norweigi-Welsh. Are you sure I wasn't adopted after all?

.... I would LOVE to see this remarkable book. Might come in handy on this student's (non)salary and all the rats running around Paris.

>lauren wrote (to her dad):
>I don't have to request a ballot right? not for [the april elections] b/c i already put in a request for all of them thisyear?
> thx!

On Monday, A Couple Hours Later, Dad wrote:

Just spoke with a deputy clerk at city hall who said that the ballot went out Thurs or Fri. Since they only just got them from the printers on Wed. that is about as quickly as they could. She remembered sending the one to Paris, and wished they had asked for a courier. I would expect that you will have very little time to turn it around. It must arrive here by Tues Apr 1 to be counted. Me, I just drive over to the Armory and stand in line for half an hour. But then, I don't get to have French wine, cheese, and bread for my next meal after that. Always a trade off.


Lauren replied immediately:

Always a trade off, indeed. Then again, I need the wine to get the anxiety down about having no real money to pay for the cheese and bread. So, which is better? Hmmm.. ;) (I am trying to remember to enjoy it.) ... so, then, prepare me for the ballot? Who am I voting for? Really. I'm not kidding. Which race is this b/c right now I'm overwhelmed studying the National Lottery Commission of UK to learn about independent regulatory agencies, looking at possible political scenarios related to Cuba, learning Passé Composé and Imparfait (thank god for Spanish!), trying to understand monetary versus fiscal policy (exchange rates, subprime crisis, all things macro), the utility of food stamps versus cash transfers, and studying the technique of bargaining in conflict management -- while trying to find an apartment in Geneva.

... right. ...

who am I again? ;)

Thanks for checking on the ballot, dad!!! xoxoxoxoxoxo

And, earlier my lovely cousin on the east coast sent photos of their new family with the new baby girl. Ahhh, I'm excited to meet the new kids and see my cousins again.

Always there in times of need - even if they don't know it. Gotta love 'em.


Anonymous said...

Lol, I'm Australian and the first time I ate rabbit was in France! You won't find people eating rabbits normally because they are viewed as 'vermin' because they are overrun and a pest..

Unknown said...

Lauren! People are going to think we're serious about the rabbits!!! Friggin' interwebs and blogging...nothing's sacred. :)

Sorry I'm just catching up on some of your posts. Am a bad sister...
