Friday, October 10, 2008

The new "move to France" ad

One doctor visit, 15 minutes late, 30 minutes visit, prescription: 25E

Friendly pharmacist who assumed you were French because of your flawless accent, prescription filled, including antibiotics: 10.27E

Health care in France: priceless


Starman said...

Are you on the French healthcare system, or do you pay as you go? I managed twice to get my prescription medication without a prescription in Paris. They seem to be of the opinion that giving one the medicine one needs is more important than demanding a prescription. Do I have to tell you that would NEVER happen in the US?

Anait said...

Ciao, Lauren.

I've been reading your blog the past few days, and I'm really enjoying it! Keep up the good work :)

I'm actually applying to the masters program at sciences po and hope to move to Paris next fall!

I hope you don't mind, I added a link to your blog on mine :)

take care!

Lauren said...

starman, I bought a slightly ridiculous costing insurance for people over 26 (because the EU is ageist and I'm old) and thus get reimbursed for my meds and visits. I wonder if I would really even need it here because of the readiness of doctors to see you without insurance and give out prescriptions that are good for you. Granted, they don't sell Aleve in pharmacies and that's a big bummer and when I asked my doctor about this she said they don't sell it because kids would OD - paraphrasing. Kinda paternalistic, but still they definitely want to help.

Ciao, anait - Thanks for reading. Welcome and please feel free to ask me anything about Sci Po. Would love to help if I can. Thanks for the link!!

Anonymous said...

I'm ready to move to France now! Tried to get a prescription filled in the US last week and my insurance company refused, saying it needed my doctor to call them first. I have the prescription in my hand!! I thought we didn't want nationalized medicine because it would put a bureaucrat between me and my doctor. Isn't that what I have now??!!!