Tuesday, March 4, 2008


New videos from the Josh and Sarah visit, including "adult cheese snack time."
New photos from their trip, too. (I'm like a month behind in everything)
New cousin added to my family!
New sight today: snow/sleet in Paris! For about 2 hours it was off-on. No collection on the ground.
New feelings: Overwhelmed again. I accepted the internship to UNECE in Geneva so I'm re-locating (and all that entails: subletting mine, finding one in Geneva, completing paperwork, visa apps, money considerations) while still going to school (8 courses with 4 group works right now - kill me please) and trying to have a life (heading to Edinburgh this weekend to see various friends)
New trip: Edinburgh
New realization: (old) I am overwhelmed in Paris. I have nothing to complain about.
New fears: what's going on in the rest of the world outside this bubble.
New understanding: what comes around goes around and there's nothing new that goes around anymore - it's just recycled and all interpreted how we'd like to interpret it, there is no truth, there only is now.
New to the blog: the sidebars on the right include import requests and new blog finds.

1 comment:

Starman said...

Bonne chance with the move to Geneva. It's very pretty from the pictures I've seen.