Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Who says the French aren't nice?

The other day, after returning from India:

I stopped in to the cave à vin (wine cellar, aka "cave") to see my wine guy. We chatted and he was delivered 2 slices of pizza from next door for his dinner. Just making conversation I said I aime'd pizza and he packed up a slice for me along with my bottle of wine.

Across the street I visited with my boulangerie lady and didn't realize a line had formed behind me. I was scrambling to pay with coins for my 90c baguette and was short 10c when the 12-year-old boy behind me said, (essentially) "I have 10c for the lady."

The bus drivers say bonjour and bonsoir.

The Monoprix lady wants so badly to give me a plastic bag for my items that she's slightly insulted when I tell her I have my own bag.

My friends Wilfried and Sarah offer to swing by tomorrow when they're in the neighborhood since I'm sick.

And the other day I went to the Madeleine metro to go to Les Trois Quartiers, picked up the sleeping bag, and went back down to catch the metro home. And you never know what you'll find:

An accident on the line causing the metro to be delayed. A line of several people deep:

Turn around to go back up to catch the bus and

the escalators are broken...

But, in the spirit of unity, a nice woman stopped to help an older lady get up the stairs


Starman said...

It has always been my experience in France, that the people are just as friendly and helpful as anywhere in the world. Sometimes, more so. I really like this post.

Misplaced said...

I'm with you- I've been tricked to believe the French are mean or rude- I've found nothing but kindness here

haze said...

Hi Lauren blog hopping! It's not the question of nationality it's a matter of personality and attitude. There are French who are good and bad like everyone else. Well, most French are discreet and distant but when you get to know them they are very nice. Am not saying this because I am married to French but because I am surrounded by mostly of good people :D !

Have a nice day !