Sunday, May 10, 2009

Verdicts in Paris

Verdict #1

Guess who's moved into the neighborhood? And that could be good or bad for me (verdict is out on this one thus far).

Verdict #2

You no longer have to fear the biker gang, because it's the scooter gang that is out to get you.

Verdict #3

A lot of people look great, but I bet they spent two hours trying to look this way.

Verdict #4

Paris is beautiful in the spring, but it makes me sneeze for all the tree pollen.

Verdict #5

Some people on the metro have super cool shoes, and I bet their feet feel the same way.

Verdict #6

Fire makes paper look cool, but is not nice for an apartment or person

Verdict #7

"Ciflorette is a variety with a fruity taste with a slight flavour of wild strawberry. The children particularly like its perfect sweetened/tangy balance. Its fruit is elongated and of a beautiful orangy red colour." Medium early (Beginning March to mid-May).

It is smaller and way better than the humongous, over-hormoned strawberries that I ate in the USA.


D said...

I vote for Verdict #3. All French men are super-gay, even if they are not.

Starman said...

I like your impressions of Paris, since they're basically the same as mine.

Starman said...

Bon anniversaire, mademoiselle