Tuesday, January 13, 2009

What a bummer of 2009

My laptop took a dive into oblivion by itself. It's being repaired. My friend Josh compared it to being grounded: no internet after 7:30pm, no music, no movies, no television, no phone calls, no shopping.

I have been restricted internet access for a week now. Life is very different without the great umbilical cord. You should try it sometime. There are some amazing hand-held books out there that are printed on soft paper and have magic words in interesting fonts. There's also a lot more sleep to be had. And, more experimentation in cooking.

I'll be back online sometime this week hopefully. I recommend that you go today and buy server space in the sky, and back up your computer every night. Or, at least every other night. Unless you want to lose papers that you worked a week on.

This is definitely not an indication of the year to come. I refuse that.


Starman said...

I was without internet last week (Thursday, Friday and Saturday). It's like being cutoff from the rest of the world. I still haven't fully recovered.

b. said...

Yeah, don't feel too bad cuz all of my files were erased in the crazy process of trying to back them up. Great Buddhist lesson in attachment (ie. letting go). ARGH
Sure do miss your red busy signal on gmail...

Starman said...

Well, you should be feeling a lot better this morning. Welcome to the new and improved United States.